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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Leave a Prayer or Message For Bradley

To leave a message or prayer please leave a comment on this post.


Donna Cornett said...

May God hold you in the palm of his hand and take the pain and poison from your body. May he send you many guardian angels to help you through the journey you are on to rid your body of this tumor. Give you and your family the strength to face each day with a smile. In the darkest hour may you find the peace needed to bring you to the light and may you find the refuge in the power of prayer from your family and friends. Jesus Loves the little children. Lord watch over Bradley and his family.

Lynsey Overton said...

Father God I just ask your to Wrap Badley in your arms Lord and give him the strength he needs. Lord I ask you to breathe life into his body and heal him! We know that this tumor is of the devil and the devil has NO authority of over God's child. I pray that Bradley grows up to be a mighty man of God and a walking testimony. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Anonymous said...

You look like such a strong boy and I know with a little help from God you will pull through and fight this. You will grow up and go on to do great things in your life. You and your mommy and daddy will be in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

Your such a sweet little boy and have so much life yet to live and will live. I pray that god will wrap his arms around you and give you strength to overcome this battle you are fighting. I pray for strength and wisdom for your parents as they are going through an emotional state. I have you all in my heart, and pray daily for all of you! God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Bradley you are strong little boy and you have a great family fighting for you! I know you can beat this. I will pray for you and your family! It breaks my heart to see you like this but I know the power of prayer is STRONG just like you! I will keep praying for you.

Debi R said...

Bradley you don't know me, but my neighbor knows your family. I will be pryaing for you and your mom and dad. I pray that God will give them strength during this time and that He will remove all the pain and sickness from your little body as you go through the chemotherapy. God loves you and your family. We will be lifting you all up in prayer.

Debi Roldan and family
Orlando, FL

Ericka said...

Heavenly Father, we ask you to place your powerfull hands over Bradley and deliver him the miracle that he and his family have been awating. Provide them with the love and peace ony you can give. We ask this in the name of your son Jesus Chist Amen.

Linda K. said...

Bradley, you're in our thoughts & prayers. I pray that you find strength in your struggle & that God grants you a miraculous recovery.

Callie said...

What a beautiful little boy Bradley is. I am following your blog and hope to hear some good news soon. I hope that this message reaches you at a happy time. I do not pray, but I will for Bradley.

Karen, Chris, Maddie, Kyra said...

Dear Lord, Please bless this family as they go through this difficult time in their lives. Give little Bradley the strength he needs to keep fighting. Give his brother and sisters the strength they need as their family & brother struggles. Most importantly please give mom & dad the strength they need to keep fighting. May you bless all of them & hold them a little closer to your heart tonight

Unknown said...

My dearest son, your mother and I love you more then words can say.We wait for the day when we can take you to the park and watch you go down the slide again.We pray every day that you will recover from all you have endured, and be a stronger, abd wiser person for it.Gods speed!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord,
Please stay with Bradley, and comfort him during this time of struggle. Please remind us during this struggle that as you said in Mark10:16 "And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and
blessed them." you will be blessing Bradley, as well as his family as they are all your childred. We know we do not understand why Lord, but please know we trust and have faith that you will keep Bradley safe and not give him more than he can bear during this time. Thank you Lord for all your blessings, as each day Bradley is here with us is truely a blessing. Be with Chris and Angie during this struggle Lord, and do not let their faith waiver. In your Son's name I pray. Amen

PRosa said...

Our prayers are with you and your family. We will pray for strength and healing, and that all needs are met. We will pray for the doctors to have the wisdom to eliminate the cancer. God Bless

Cynthia Haller said...

Bradley and familly, I heard of your Blog from Dana, sending you prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes.

Stay strong!

Kristen said...

Lord please bless this precious child......please heal him completly!! I can not even imagine how the family feels right now!! I am sending tons and tons of prayers your way!!

Anonymous said...

Bradley you are the child of THE Most High God! He loves you and you are the heir to a mighty inheritance--one of which is HEALING, covered for you by the blood of Jesus. There is power in that name, Jesus! I claim healing for your body, & peace for your family... for "He IS the Lord who heals" Ex. 15:26

Stefani said...

Prayers for you from Dallas, Texas cute little guy! Praying for fast recovery!!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to share a few prayers from us girls from babygaga.com I heard of Bradley's story through a friend so I shared it with many others and here are some prayers that they send out! We will continue praying EVERYDAY for little Bradley!

Dear lord,
Please look over Bradley and his family at this time!! He is much to young to be taken from us and give him the strength to make it through everything! Please PLEASE send good news to his family!!! Please watch over little Bradley and be with his family at this time. In your name, Amen

Dear Lord, We come together Father, to ask you Lord to wrap your hands around this precious child. Lord, that you may fully heal this innocent baby from all sickness and disease. Lord, that this baby can be made whole through you, and not have to have any more surgeries, and no more tumors. We love you Dear Lord, and we Praise you for all that you have done, and all that you will do! In Jesus Name we pray! Thank You Father!

Lord I pray that you put your healing hands on this little boy. He is still so young and he has his whole life ahead of him. We come against this tumor. He will be healed in jesus name. No tumor, no infection in jesus name. Lord i ask that you surround this family with your warm love. Carry them through this hard time. I pray that they get good new and no more bad news. I pray that you give the doctors knowledge to save bradleys life. I ask that you be in the operating room when they go back in to take the last bit of his tumor out. I pray for happy ever afters for this family from here on out, in jesus name and we thank you for the miracle you are gonna give this family, for saving bradleys life. amen

I will be praying for your family every night. you at the top of my prayer list. And when i prayed for you guys, I got a really really good feeling. EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE.

God intervene RIGHT NOW for this little boy! Satan, you can not steal his life pre-maturely! It is NOT yours to steal! Release your hold on him in Jesus name! You have no more power! God right now place Your healing hand on this boy and dimenish all signs of cancer, tumors, and infection! Heal him completely and make him new again! You are the God of miracles, and ALL things are possible with You! We put our trust and faith in You, and we declare and speak that it WILL be done! The power of life and death are in our tongue, and we speak LIFE for Bradley in Jesus name! He WILL live a LONG HEALTHY LIFE! He WILL live and NOT die and proclaim the name of the Lord! When those doctor's come in an examine him, they will be in awe and shock of what they see. NO MORE TUMORS in the name of Jesus! We speak HEALING HEALING HEALING! He IS HEALED!

Caitlin said...

I can't begin to imagine the family's pain, and you all will continue to be in my prayer's.

Anonymous said...

Little Bradley-Doll,
Thinking of you and praying for you everyday,

Anonymous said...

You are a strong little boy. I pray that God will help you through this hard time. I pray for your family that is going through this too. Keep being strong and have faith and know that I and all my friends and family will be praying for you. And know that the Lord will be watching over you and your family Bradley.
Keep Strong Bradley, You can fight through this. I pray for you.

jake said...

Bradley you uplift all who know you and know of you! I know God is smiling down on you and saying how proud He is of your courage and strength. You just keep fightin the good fight with Him by your side and all is good!

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers are coming your way from Southern California.
God Bless,

Unknown said...

Thoughts and prayers to Bradley and your family he truly is a hero and has a wonderful purpose in life. God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

May God's healing angels surround you sweet Bradley each and very day. I pray that God give you strength to fight and give your family peace.

Nurse Morgan said...

Your such a sweet little boy I pray God carries you in the warmth of His arms and keeps you comfortable until he carries you home. I hope.you get to watch plenty of spongebob episodes.and max and ruby episodes while at home :) You have an amazing family that will always love you and would do anything for you. I pray God comforts them during this hard time and know they are not alone.

Anonymous said...

You won the hearts of so many.You will never be forgotten,God will watch over your family as he has watched over you.We praise God and give thanks for His kindness and mercy Amen.

Anonymous said...

Dear God I pray for your will,bless Bradley and his family and let them have more time with him please ease the pain and give him strength I ask this is Jesus name amen

Anonymous said...

In times of sadness, please God, help Bradley's family remember that you are always with them now and forever. Amen.

Anonymous said...

I know your family does not know me. I live in central Iowa and from the moment I saw Bradley's story he has not left my thoughts or prayers. I have three children and could not imagine what you are going through, my heart aches for you everyday. I am donating some money in hopes you may be able to use it to help make some more memories with Bradley. May god be with all of you

bennie said...

Little sweet Bradley, I pray God give you strength to overcome this disease.your parents and we love you so much.God is watching over you.we believe there will be miracle.you must can beat this. I will keep praying for you.fighting...

Anonymous said...

We pray that Bradley will be free of all pain and we send prayers that God will send special blessings for him and his family this Christmas.

Unknown said...

Childs Prayer <3
Precious Jesus here I am
A gentle child your little lamb
Though I am not very old
I am ready to walk on streets of gold
Thank you for the time I had
Making memories with Mom & Dad
Bring them peace and comfort when they cry
And let them know its not goodbye
Bring them laughter and calm their fears
Let them know in heaven there are no tears
The pain is gone the joy is true
Let them know that I’m here with you
Hold me Jesus and take my hand
Walk with me thru the promised land
Let Mom know this was your plan for me
Let her feel a gentle breeze and know that it’s a kiss from me
Let Dad know of your plan too
Fill his heart with gladness too
For I love them Jesus and they love you
Hold them close when they are feeling blue
Keep them close to you and let them see
All the blessings you gave to me.
Loving parents, friends and family
Take me home Lord as I am
A gentle child your little lamb

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

any child is a blessing, one with cancer is even more special than anyone will know. Prayers to all of you during these hard times and the hard times to come. I don't know what it's like to lose a child, but there are many out there that have and will be there for you as well as the many people who are praying for you all.

Whitney said...

Prayers that God wraps you in a big blanket of love and peace.

Anonymous said...

God's speed Bradley. You are no longer in pain in God's Grace. What a beautiful sight it must be!

Unknown said...

Prayers for the family and may you rest in peace Bradley!

Tammi Herduin said...

I feel like I know you as a family. You are wonderful people who had an AMAZING little boy. You are an inspiration to many. Know at this time, God will carry you, People like myself will pray for you but as hard as it may be, Bradley is finally free! Fly free Little man! You will be missed by many!

Anonymous said...

There are no words that can fully describe this truly family event. But, with God watching over Bradley and the entire Allen family, rest assured that Bradley is free from his earthly suffering and among all of the angels in heaven.

God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Praying for your family, may the Lord give you endless strength and wrap His comforting arms around you when your feeling sad. Bradley's story is truly amazing and has touched my soul. God put it on my heart to start sending my monthly tides to Bradley's foundation.
-With love, Lauren from NJ

Aisha Bell said...

Bradley, you're my angel. My whole family support you and you will be in my prayers forever. Come on my strong fighter, you can do it my baby boy, I love you so much and so do many others. #SUPPORTFORBRADLEY May God wrap his loving arms around you and may we keep you at the centre of our hearts in all we do. You have many more years to live, we love you.

Anonymous said...

1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. 2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 3though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. 4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. 5 God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. 6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts. 7 The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. 8 Come and see what the LORD has done, the desolations he has brought on the earth. 9He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the shields with fire. 10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

RIP my friend.

Psalm 46:1-10