Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Merry Christmas
Monday, November 15, 2010
Coming home!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Bradley's Birthday
We love, thank, and appreciate all your thoughts, prayers, and support.You have helped us to reach god....he has heard and he is in our corner.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Proton Therapy
The Allen family has many reasons to celebrate coming up. Angie's birthday is this Sunday, Chris's birthday is the 20th, their wedding anniversary is the 2nd of November, and most importantly, Bradley's birthday is on the 7th of November...he will be three!!!
I posted awhile back about the gift card shower currently going on...let's make their birthdays extra special and send a gift card to the family! It's going to be hard to have all of these occasions pass with the family not together right now.
Information on the gift card shower can be found here: http://www.bradleys-story.com/2010/08/gift-card-shower.html
As always, your prayers and support are much appreciated. Bradley has been such a brave strong little boy through all of this, but he still has a tough road ahead. Please keep him, and the Allen family, in your prayers.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Do you have your Bradley’s Buddies t-shirt yet??
If not, now’s the time to get one! We are placing an order for Bradley’s Buddies t-shirts on September 30th!!
Size options:
Infant - 6M, 9M, 12M
Youth - YXS (2-4), YS (6-8), YM (10-12), YL (14-16)
Adult - S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL*
Cost is $10 each.
*Adult 2XL and 3XL please add $2.00 per shirt
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Intergalactic BBQ is Saturday!
There will be lots of food, 6 Star Wars characters, a bounce house provided by the National Guard, a costume contest and a silent auction! Rumor has it there is a Kurt Warner autograph as a part of the silent auction! A fun event for the whole family!
Saturday, September 18
Crestbruck Park, Ankeny
(located at NE 9th & NE Crestmoor Place)
Bring your camera— Free Will Donation
LUNCH — Free Will donation — ($5 per person suggested)
COSTUME CONTEST — 12:30pm – Prize Awarded
SILENT AUCTION and LIVE MUSIC also going throughout the event.
Ankeny First United Methodist Church, 206 SW Walnut St, Ankeny
We hope to see you there!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Out of ICU!
Thank you for all the prayers and support and please, continue to keep Bradley in your thoughts and prayers.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Out of surgery and great news!
Thank you all for your prayers and support! Please keep the prayers coming for the MRI to show that there is no more tumor!!
Surgery update
Chris and Angie are wearing their Bradley's Buddies shirts today as are several others that have them. Thank you for your prayers and we'll keep you updated. Pleaes keep praying.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Update and the Intergalactic BBQ!
Bradley will have yet another MRI tomorrow, so please say some prayers that the tumor has not grown. As long as the MRI results show that the tumor has not grown beyond what is manageable, Bradley will have another surgery on Friday.
Please keep Bradley and the Allen family in your prayers, especially over the next few days!
On another note, a new fund raiser is in the works! Bradley's Buddies Presents an Intergalactic BBQ!! The Allen family's church is putting on the latest fund raiser to help raise money for the protone therapy and other expenses. There will 3-5 actual star wars characters in attendance, a silent auction, Wookie burgers, Anikon dogs, and many other fun things for every one to enjoy! The event will be held September 18, from 11:00am - 2:00pm at Crestbrook Park, NE 9th & Crestmoore Pl in Ankeny, IA, We'd love to see you there!
As always, many thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers. God Bless!
MRI is set for tomorrow!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
A Gift Card Shower
To help with these expenses, a gift card shower is being planned for Bradley and his family. Karen Boeding, who held the garage sale benefit for Bradley, is heading up this latest fund raiser. This is an opportunity for everyone, no matter where they live, to help lighten the burden for this young family as they continue to pray for Bradley's full recovery.
Any gift card amount is a blessing. Please help make this showering of gift cards a huge success.
• Walmart
• Target
• Toys R Us
• Fareway
• Hy-Vee
• Caseys
• Walgreens
• Quik Trip
• Children’s Place
• Great Clips
• Sports Clips
• McDonalds
• Pizza Places
A gift card from anywhere will be accepted and greatly appreciated!
Please mail your gift cards to
Karen Boeding
6977 NE 8th Ct.
Ankeny, IA 50023
Karen will be honored to give the Allen Family your donations.
As always, thank you for all of your prayers and support! Let’s make this fundraiser a huge success!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Another surgery?
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
URGENT! Prayers needed!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Link to Channel 13 news video
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Surgery update
An MRI is being done this morning and the results will be sent to Indiana to see if Bradley is a candidate for a new therapy called Proton Therapy. This is the best therapy out there for his type of tumor. If he isn't a candidate for this, then radiation will be done to destroy the rest of the tumor. Please join us in praying for Bradley to be approved for Proton therapy.
Thank you for all of the prayers yesterday. This is a big step but not the last so please, PLEASE, continue to pray for little Bradley.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Extra Prayers Needed
Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Garage Sale to benefit Bradley!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Bucks for Bradley Benefit
Friday, April 16, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Please pray for a miracle...
The Doctor called us down at 2:30 to speak with us. I have never felt so many emotions at one time. Anger, fear, sorrow, oh how this hurts.....Doctor said when he reopened Bradley to begin removing tumor his entire brain canal was covered in a layer of ... stuff. He has to send it to the pathology for determination.......he believes it to be tumor......if this is the case there will be no more surgery. We need to pray that is not the case! If it is an infection, they will need to treat it with antibiotics before another sugery can occur.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Please pray for Bradley's surgery tomorrow!!!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Mayo and Bucks for Bradley benefit links

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Picture updates

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Some awesome news!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
A huge success!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Chili Supper is TOMORROW!!!
Holy Trinity Luthern Church
517 Southwest Des Moines Street
Ankeny, IA 50023-2805
(515) 964-4348
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Important Message from Chris, Bradley's dad
Bradley's Story in the Des Moines Register
Your continued prayers, donations and support are much appreciated.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Chili Supper Fundraiser
Thank you and God bless.
Monday, February 15, 2010
A reason to give thanks to God and celebrate!
Here is a quote from Bradley's dad's Facebook page:
"If you don't believe in miracles....let me tell you of one! I was praying with the hospital priest, and right in the middle of praying for Bradleys quick recovery.......he said his first word.........he said mom! But he didn't say it just once....he said it three times! If that doesn't give you goose bumps and make you believe......then there is no hope for you! Thank you for all your prayers! Please continue and check out his site www.bradleys-story.com"
Thank you all for your prayers and please keep them coming. God is great and hears each and everyone one of us in our pleas for his help.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Bradley's Buddies T-shirts
This fundraiser is sponsored by Ressurection Luthern Church in Ankeny, Iowa. All money raised goes to the Allen family to help with expenses. Shirts are royal blue with a white logo.
Size options:
Infant - 6M, 9M, 12M
Youth - YXS (2-4), YS (6-8), YM (10-12), YL (14-16)
Adult - S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL*
Cost is $10 each.
*Adult 2XL and 3XL please add $2.00 per shirt
To order, please email iowapotter@yahoo.com with the following information:
Name and mailing address
Email address, phone number
Sizes and quantities of t-shirts
For local orders, you will be contacted with a time and location for pick-up and payment. Ordering for a group of people through one contact person would be helpful.
For out of town orders, please mail the above information with payment for shirt and shipping to:
Resurrection Luthern Church
914 NW Ash Drive
Ankeny, IA 50023
1-2 shirts $5
3-9 shirts $11
10-15 shirts $15
Shirts will also be available for purchase at the Chili Supper fundraiser on March 5th!
Please make checks payable to RLC and note in the memo "For Bradley's Buddies".
Saturday, February 13, 2010
A great big thank you...
When I came up with the idea of having a website, I knew I wanted it to look better than what I could create myself. So I put up a request for help on a website called etsy.com. I received a lot of responses and offers to help, some for seriously reduced rates and some for free.
Dana (http://lilybeandesigns.blogspot.com) so graciously offered to donate her time and extreme talent to design the site for us and I honestly believe God had a hand in us working together. I could not have found a more perfect person for this project. She and I worked well together and she was so excited and happy and even grateful to be the one to help. I never expected someone to thank me for the opportunity to donate her time and talent!
Thank you Dana. Your kindness, patience, time and talent are much, much appreciated.
In addition, Dana is really helping to spread Bradley's story. She's a member of his Facebook group, has posted about this site in her own blog and is spreading the word to her friends.
I ask that all of you continue to do the same. Let's get people worldwide praying for Bradley!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Extra prayers needed today
I also wanted to share with you a few photos Chris and Angie passed along to me of all the cards and letters hanging in Bradley's room!
I know Chris and Angie are so, so appreciative of all the love and support everyone is showing. Let's keep it up! We have re-ordered another set of bracelets, as the first set went so quickly! Thank you to all of you who have ordered and if you don't have a bracelet ordered yet, get one now :-)
There is a Chili Dinner benefit coming up that I will post more information on a bit later. It will be held on March 5th in Ankeny so mark your calenders and please attend if you can.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you for your continued prayers. The more people praying the better so please keep spreading Bradley's story.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Channel 13 News Video
Chris and Angie have a meeting with doctor's today and ask that we all pray that God will give them the guidance needed in their journey.
Please visit www.carepages.com, sign up for a free account and search for BradleyAllen2. Chris and Angie are updating several times a day.
As always, thank you all for your prayers!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Donate on www.bradleys-story.com
Bracelets will begin being mailed out in the next couple of days so get yours now!!

Thanks for visiting our new website!
Bradley Allen, the adorable 2 year old in the photo to the left, is in a fight for his life. In the last two weeks Bradley has been diagnosed with a stage three Ependymoma brain tumor, undergone two brain surgeries and has started chemotherapy. Bradley's a fighter and we know he can win this battle, but we'll sure need all the prayers we can get!
You can watch a video of Bradley's Story here.
Please visit http://www.carepages.com/, sign up for a free account and search for BradleyAllen2 to stay up to date with Bradley's progress. His mom and dad, Chris and Angie Allen, are posting updates regularly there.
As we establish this site, we plan to have a link to make donations through PayPal, as well as a special donation link that will get you a "Prayers for Bradley" silicone bracelet to wear to show your support. We'll have permanent links to the site listed above, Bradley's Facebook support site, any news stories that are published, information on upcoming benefits and hopefully lots and lots of pictures!
Please bookmark the site and check back soon to see our new look and most importantly, please keep praying for Bradley and spreading his story. Thank you so much!
Write A Letter or Send a Card!